Useful third-party libraries: exercises


Can you count the number of sequences in the data/proteome.faa file?

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Can you plot the distribution of protein sizes in the data/proteome.faa file?

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Can you count the number of CDS sequences in the data/ecoli.gbk file?

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Can you compute the average root-to-tip distance in the data/tree.nwk file?

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Using biopython's classes, can you construct a dummy annotated nucleotide sequence?

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Can you query pubmed and extract the abstract of the first result when looking for your favorite protein?

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Can you read the yeast protein interaction network in data/yeast.gml? Can you plot the degree distribution of the proteins contained in the graph?

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Using the same graph as the previous exercises, can you indicate the node with the highest centrality? Pick a centrality measure from the many available inside the networkx module.

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